Fertility Services

Thank you for choosing to see me for your fertility consultation. This letter sets out some important information that I am required by law to provide to you. This is for your information only and is not a bill. As this includes information about my charges, if someone else will be paying your bill, you may wish to pass a copy of this letter to them. Please note that even if someone else is paying your bill or
you have private medical insurance, you are responsible for paying any charges which they do not pay. As per my company policy, all payment for any service offered is to be made in advance.

Consultation Fee
My fee for an initial consultation will not exceed £299 and my fee for any follow-up consultation will not exceed £249. These estimates are correct as of the date of this letter. Should you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours’ notice, a cancellation fee of 75% of the consultation fee will be charged.

Tests and their Cost
Following the consultation, I may recommend you have some further tests (such as blood tests or imaging) to help me diagnose your condition. These will be outlined in an email along with the costs.
As part of your initial consultation, I will offer you a complimentary 30 min video follow up consultation to discuss the findings of these tests within 3 months of the initial consultation. You are of course very welcome to come back to see me again at any time.
Please note that unless otherwise advised, the fees of the consultation do not include any further tests or treatment subsequently recommended or carried out.

Treatment and its Cost
Any treatment that I recommend to you will be detailed in an email. The purpose of this would be to improve your chances of conception.
I am required by law to provide an estimate of the total consultant cost of the treatment pathway I am recommending. The invoice will be sent via email.


Self-Pay Patients
It is possible to provide you with a package price for a particular treatment, which also includes my fee and the fee of the centre involved in the particular treatment, so that makes things easier.

Please read the package price fully, to understand what is and isn’t covered.
All treatment carries risks and it is possible you experience or develop an unforeseen complication that may, for example, require you to be transferred to another hospital. I have not included the costs associated with those unanticipated outcomes in the estimate provided above.

If treatment is cancelled for any reason after the documentation (prescription, protocol) is provided, there will be a charge of £250. Any cancellation after that will be charged based on the extent of treatment provided at the time of the cancellation as detailed in the treatment terms and conditions document.

Financial Interests
I am legally obliged to inform you that I have a financial interest in IVF Matters as the owner. I have no financial interests in the place I consult at ie 10, Harley Street or any equipment there.

Quality Information
You can compare independent information about the quality of private treatment offered at the hospital and other private healthcare providers from the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) website: www.phin.org.uk.

I look forward to welcoming you to your fertility consultation with me.

Yours sincerely
Dr Irfana Koita, FRCOG
Director IVF Matters
Fertility Consultant
GMC No 6086341


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