A message from Dr Koita, Founder of IVF Matters:
“With many fertility clinics having recently closed to new patients and restricting face to face meetings in light of the Covid19 pandemic, we would like to assure you of our ongoing support by continuing to offer our services to you whilst helping to fundraise for the wider community at this time.
Starting tomorrow, 10th April – for anyone who takes either an online fertility assessment or books a telephone or video consultation with me via the IVF Matters portal, I will forward 20% of every single transaction straight into the National Emergencies Trust #Covid1EmergencyAppeal and will also send you confirmation of the donation made in your name.
The National Emergencies Trust is an independent organisation set up to collaborate with charities and other bodies to distribute vital funds to support victims at a time of domestic disaster. I am sure you will agree this is a very worthy cause.
May I and the IVF Matters team take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones safe passage through these unprecedented times."
You can read more about National Emergencies Trust in the link here.
Take Control and get answers about your Fertility with IVF Matters and we’ll donate 20% to the National Emergencies Trust #Covid19EmergencyAppeal
Take an Online Fertility Fitness Assessment and we’ll donate £10 (individual)/£15 (couple) to the Appeal
When you want to speak to someone about your fertility but are unable to visit a clinic because of UK travel restrictions during the COVID pandemic, you can take our Fertility Fitness assessment in the comfort and safety of your own home. This unique online questionnaire, developed by leading fertility specialists aims to help you get the answers you need when you are trying to start a family.
Book an Online Fertility Consultation with Dr Koita and we’ll donate £35 to the Appeal
There are many reasons why it’s a good idea to seek help and reassurance on your TTC journey. Whether you’ve just started trying for a baby, or you’re concerned that you may have fertility issues, Dr Irfana Koita will assess your situation and talk you through your options via telephone or video consultation.
Want to support the Appeal directly?
If you do not wish to have an assessment or consultation at the moment but would like to donate, please use this link below to visit our IVF Matters #Covid19EmergencyAppeal Just Giving page.
#stayhome #staysafe