V8 15.06.23
IVF Matters is committed to providing a positive outcome with personalised treatments to your needs. Our focus is on your success, and we use cutting-edge technology and advanced treatment methods.
Please read this document carefully and let us know if you have any questions. By requesting any of our services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions and our treatment prices at anytime.
- Treatment centre
Your treatment will be provided at TFP Boston Place Fertility, 20 Boston Place, London NW1 6ER. Patients having follicular monitoring and ovulation induction treatment will have ultrasound monitoring at an ultrasound centre close to where they live, where possible.
- Payment
Patients having fertility treatments must pay for their treatment before booking the nurse consultation.
- Additional fees
If additional procedures are provided (e.g. embryo freezing and storage), we expect patients to pay for these on the day of the procedure. Fees for anaesthetic review are £249, embryo transfer under sedation £499, weekend egg collection £599 and weekend IUI £199 will be charged as applicable. Please refer to our website for a detailed list of procedures included in your treatment package.
- Treatment start date
Treatment must start within a month of your nurse consultation. If you delay starting your treatment, you may incur additional costs, e.g. some investigations may need to be repeated.
- Private Insurance
Patients will be required to make payments directly to us when booking the nurse appointment and may, if appropriate, claim the cost retrospectively from their medical insurance company.
- Appointment cancellations
In the event of a patient not keeping an appointment or cancelling with less than 48hrs notice, we reserve the right to charge the full price for that appointment.
- Blood tests during treatment
Patients must pay for the blood tests separately as these are not included in treatment packages.
- Refunds
The cancellation fee depends on the type of treatment and the stage at which the treatment is cancelled. Refunds will be issued within 28 days.
Treatment may need to be cancelled due to abnormal findings on ultrasound at the start of treatment or during the monitoring process if a patient under or over-responds to medication due to the development of a new medical problem or change in one’s circumstances.
The cancellation fees expressed below are calculated based on the type of treatment and the stage at which the treatment is abandoned. These are to be used as a guide to determine the refund.
- Follicular monitoring
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £199
Cancellation fee after 1st scan £389
- Ovulation induction treatment
Includes up to 3 scans
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £199
Cancellation fee after 1stscan £389
- Insemination (IUI) treatment
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £249
Cancellation fee after 1st scan 449
Refund if IUI is not performed £249
- In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) treatment
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £749
Cancellation fee after 1st scan £999
Cancellation fee before egg collection £1999
Refund if, on the day of egg collection, no eggs are collected or are suitable for treatment £249
Refund if there is a failure of fertilisation £199
Refund if an embryo transfer is not performed £199
If embryo freezing is recommended, there will be an additional fee for the freezing and storing of embryos, including the subsequent frozen embryo transfer treatment.
A refund will be given if a procedure is not performed, e.g. blastocyst transfer
- Preimplantation Genetic Testing – Aneuploidy (PGT-A) treatment
Includes biopsy of up to 3 embryos
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £749
Cancellation fee after 1st scan £999
Cancellation fee before egg collection £1999
Refund if, on the day of egg collection, no eggs are collected or are suitable for treatment £249
Refund if there is a failure of fertilisation £199
Refund if embryo biopsy is not performed – IVF treatment charges will apply
The genetic testing fee will be payable once this is performed even if the analysis fails, contamination occurs, or there are no normal embryos to transfer.
- Preimplantation Genetic Testing – Monogenic disorders (PGT-M) treatment
Non-refundable workup fee of £599 will be applicable in all cases
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £749
Cancellation fee after 1st scan £999
Cancellation fee before egg collection £1999
Refund if, on the day of egg collection, no eggs are collected or are suitable for treatment £249
Refund if there is a failure of fertilisation £199
Refund if embryo biopsy is not performed – IVF treatment charges will apply
The genetic testing fee will be payable once this is performed even if the analysis fails, contamination occurs, or there are no normal embryos to transfer.
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET) treatment
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £549
Cancellation fee after 1st scan £999
Cancellation fee before embryo thaw £1499
Refund if an embryo transfer is not performed £199
- Egg Freezing treatment
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £749
Cancellation fee after 1st scan £999
Cancellation fee before egg collection £1999
Refund if, on the day of egg collection, no eggs are collected or suitable for freezing £849
- Embryo Freezing treatment
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £749
Cancellation fee after 1st scan £999
Cancellation fee before egg collection £1999
Refund if embryo freezing is not performed £1200
- Egg Thaw Treatment
Cancellation fee before 1st scan £749
Cancellation fee after 1st scan £999
Cancellation fee before egg thaw £1999
Refund if, on the day of egg thaw, no eggs are suitable for treatment £249
Refund if there is a failure of fertilisation £199
Refund if an embryo transfer is not performed £199
If embryo freezing is recommended, there will be an additional fee for the freezing and storing of embryos, including the subsequent frozen embryo transfer treatment.
A refund will be given if a procedure is not performed, e.g. blastocyst transfer
- Medication
We have not included the cost of drugs in our treatment packages as these vary based on your individual needs. We use a third-party provider called Fertility to supply the medication. You will be invoiced for the medication separately. The cost of purchased medications cannot be refunded, nor can any unused medication be returned as per UK regulations.
- Pregnancy tests
Tests to confirm a pregnancy, such as blood tests and ultrasound scans, are not included in the packages. You will be invoiced for them separately.