We are pleased to announce that you can now schedule Ultrasound Scans directly with Dr Koita at her London - Harley Street Clinic.
IVF Matters already provides an Ultrasound Clinic Network covering most of the UK and offers over 80 locations nationwide and this now includes London, directly with our founder and Fertility Specialist, Dr Irfana Koita, FRCOG.
The different types of ultrasound you can book with Dr Koita at her Harley Street clinic are:
Fertility Scan
Understanding your ovarian function is vital in determining how soon you should try to conceive or whether you should freeze your eggs.
This test will include an antral follicle count (also known as egg sac count), which we’ll perform using our high-quality ultrasound equipment.
An ovarian reserve scan also helps you predict the number of eggs likely to be retrieved following ovarian stimulation and hence the chances of your IVF treatment succeeding.
You’ll also have a detailed assessment to determine your uterus's size, shape, and condition.
Follicle Tracking Scan
Follicle tracking scans help you determine if you’re ovulating. This test is done to help you increase your chances of conception, both naturally and with the help of fertility treatment.
The follicle scan also helps in surveying your uterus, endometrium, and ovaries - helping our fertility expert pinpoint the exact time in your menstrual cycle when you’ll be ovulating, increasing your chances of getting pregnant.
A follicle tracking scan requires a transvaginal ultrasound - a safe and expert-supervised procedure you’ll do inside our clinic. Simply book your appointment through our secure portal and receive the results, via email, immediately after the scan.
Monitoring Scan
During the two weeks that you’re taking ovarian stimulating medication, it is vital to have your ovaries monitored to see if follicles (egg sacs) are developing well. Our monitoring scans will help you determine whether your body is responding well to ovarian stimulation for IVF or egg-freezing procedures. Aside from this, the test also helps check the thickness and quality of the lining in your uterus if you are undergoing frozen embryo transfer treatment.
Clinical Review
All ultrasound assessments booked through IVF Matters include a clinical review with Dr Irfana Koita upon receipt of your scan to ensure you understand your results.
View our Ultrasound Services for more information and to book.
Have any questions? Why not call us to discuss your needs: 0333 93 999 51